Jarred Johnson
Jarred has been working at Smeeden Foreman on a fulltime basis since August 2020, having previously worked for the company as a freelance ecologist.
He has undertaken habitat surveys to Phase 1 and the UK Habitat Classification Methodology, which has subsequently fed into the preparation of technical reports for projects; including Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessment amongst others. He undertakes a range of protected species surveys for bats, breeding birds, water vole, otter, reptiles, great crested newt and badger; and holds survey class licences for bats and great crested newts. Jarred has also been involved with EPSM licence applications for bats and great crested newts, worked in association with Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL) holders for Low Impact Scheme, and has acted as Ecological Clerk of Works on a variety of projects.
Jarred has performed voluntary surveys for the BTO, the RSPB, and the Mammal Society, and trains as a bird ringer in association with his local bird observatory groups. He regularly participates in bat roost/hibernation visits in association with his local bat group, and has also previously volunteered as a trainee landscape officer for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.